Try the political quiz

254 Replies


If climate change impacts all of us, why do you think some people still prioritize national interests over global ones?

 @9KS8TXB from Minnesota answered…3mos3MO

because we only care about our nation and as long as our nation is Good we don't care.

 @9KT99YK  from Washington disagreed…3mos3MO

We should focus on what problems we have right now the state/our nation is already on a cliff and about to fall.

 @9KSGW5VLibertarian  from California answered…3mos3MO

Until you hold China, India, and the other Asian countries accountable for their outrageous emissions, all of this is just grandstanding. So I’m tired of politicians using climate change when in reality they can’t do one thing to stop the real problem across the Pacific.

 @9KS8452 from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

People would prioritize their nation over the globe because as long as their country is good, they wouldn't care about other nations going through the same situation.

 @9KS7WGB from Oregon answered…3mos3MO

Because if you cant take good enough care of your own country or your own people, how can you be expected to take even decent care of the rest of the planet.


If you could choose one global issue to educate your peers about, which would it be and why?

 @9KWSZTSRepublican from California answered…3mos3MO

It would be the issue of big governments and imperialism, and the reason for it would be because it affects the entire world through the United States of America.

 @9KWSQ2M from California answered…3mos3MO

 @9KWSMR6Women’s Equality from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

I'm not too sure on what I would talk to my peers about because there is too many things that need to be addressed.


How might understanding the stories of indigenous peoples around the world affect nationalism?

 @9JJ3TDLWomen’s Equality from Illinois answered…4mos4MO

I don’t think I have the right to comment on this. I understand that we totally colonized over Native American land and forced them out of their home. I also understand that indigenous people have a different system of government to Americans. But it’s effects, I don’t really know if I should be commenting.

 @9JM7VYZ from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

Western culture conquered an inferior culture and the only way to stop it from happening is to advance in culture and economy

 @9JJ4P6S from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

Understanding the stories of other nations will prompt more self-reflection on peoples own nations- Rights, Wrongs, and areas to improve.

 @9JHY9HM from Utah answered…4mos4MO

The understanding of the stories of indigenous peoples around the world, it would affect each nation's individualism to become more sectored, more exclusive to each country's own people.

 @9JHXJ4Z from Georgia answered…4mos4MO


Reflect on a time when an international event personally affected you; did it alter your perception of nationalism?

 @9KCM9GS from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

I have no problem with America first. The world is better off when America is first. The problem is that America is not first in very many categories any more.

 @9KFCG57 from Wisconsin disagreed…3mos3MO

This doesn't answer the question. America being first does not provide an answer as to how an international even affected your life.

 @9KCLJVYDemocrat answered…3mos3MO

Yes, after the election and Donald Trump winning the election, it made me have less faith in the country with the amount of people not caring about immigrants.

 @9KK3NHG  from Washington D.C. disagreed…3mos3MO

The polarization began with Obama. Moreover, Obama deported more illegal immigrants than Trump did. Not only that but before Trump, both Democrats, and Republicans had a consensus when it came to cracking down on illegal immigration.

 @9KCLLFKIndependent from California answered…3mos3MO


Would you rather win an award recognized globally or nationally, and why does it matter to you?

 @9K9PB3J from Iowa answered…3mos3MO

Globally because then I would be globally more known and I can share my many talents with the world at a faster pace.

 @9K9P46C from Utah answered…3mos3MO

If I understand what the question is asking, then nationally. If we force every country to agree, that would make the countries unhappy and could end with war.

 @9K9NZH4 from Utah answered…3mos3MO

Globally because we are all apart of this world and should live with each other, not against each other.


How could the spread of a worldwide popular trend impact your feeling of connection to other countries?

 @9KCRTFR from Texas answered…3mos3MO

 @9KCMHHMDemocrat from California answered…3mos3MO

If the trend is bad then I would think lower of other countries. But if the trend is positive and doesn't have a Massive red flag following it then yeah i'd like that country

 @9KCMBQ6 from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

The rise and spread of nationalism gave people a new sense of identity and also led to an increased sense of competition among nation-states. It could change how we like the country or not.


Is a world without national conflicts possible, and what would it take to achieve it?

 @9H9HKL5Republican from Ohio answered…6mos6MO

all nations coming together for a common purpose to sit down and agree to hash things out

 @9H9GX4SDemocratfrom Guam answered…6mos6MO

A dramatic increase of power granted to the UN, with elimination of nation states in favor of a global government if the future

 @9H9DM54 from New Hampshire commented…6mos6MO

No because in any situation a handful of people are very unlikely to agree on the same thing, big or small. We would need to be in a dictatorship.

 @9H9DG2G from California commented…6mos6MO


How would the world change if all nations suddenly dissolved their borders?

 @9H5WJZS from New Jersey answered…6mos6MO

We would rebuild, as we yearn for some kind of structure, fraternity, and society. We should push ourselves to do better this time.

 @9H9JYSJDemocrat from Maine answered…6mos6MO

 @9H9JXX7Democrat from Texas answered…6mos6MO

Though there would be a lot more integration, there is also a high chance for conflict and corruption


If we educated children about global rather than national history, how might that shape our future society?

 @9HYV93L from Colorado answered…5mos5MO

Well if we talked more about International history more than our own National history it could cause some problems and some benefits. One thing is that Global history can lead minors to be more interested in international affairs and are more willing to be more active in this. However this could potentially cause apathy of the young when the topic of National affairs and could be generally less patriotic to their country which could make problems like less support and other things that I’m not gonna go into because this page is already getting really long. On the other hand if we taught…  Read more

 @9HYV88FDemocrat from California answered…5mos5MO

People would be more intune with world affairs other than just their current country


What are the possible benefits and drawbacks of feeling a stronger allegiance to the planet than to your country?

 @9J4VXFK from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

positive outcomes promote a sense of identity, unite people, and promote pride. negative outcomes leads to conflict with others

 @9J4VW6NRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…5mos5MO

A benefit would be new alliances, and a draw-back would be that there would be a possible new power


How does the idea of being an 'Earth citizen' resonate with you and why?

 @9HLKZKF from New York answered…6mos6MO

It does not resonate with me. I agree with the concepts of nations and national identity, but I also believe in the concept of humanity working together for the common good.

 @9HLKY6SLibertarian from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

I don't exactly like that idea, as I am very patriotic of my country and want my country to be my country. And the United States being pard of a global federation means that the average US citizens has even less of a voice.


If you had to solve a global issue, which one would you tackle and how?


What personal traditions do you think could become global, and how would that influence the idea of nationhood?


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