Try the political quiz

224 Replies


In your view, should national leaders declare their religious beliefs and how might that influence their leadership?

 @9JP6V5C from Michigan answered…4mos4MO

I believe they should not due to separation of church and state so their religious beliefs should be kept out of their political campaigne.

 @9JPXCNW from Wisconsin agreed…4mos4MO

I agree because yes a lot of the US has christian beliefs but there is still a lot of other people that don't.

 @8SH9X37  from Colorado agreed…4mos4MO

At the end of the day, religion shouldn't be a point of contention when making decisions for everyone, cause everyone practices and interprets religion differently

 @9JP7KHS from Maryland commented…4mos4MO

Leaders should not necessarily bring their religion into things such as politics because they could be biased, meaning that they lean a certain way on issues such as same-sex/interracial marriage, etc.

 @9JQ4VHB from Kansas agreed…4mos4MO

I have stated above that not all people follow the same religion, and not everyone follows a religion in general. Making a decision that has to do with YOUR beliefs will impact people with different religions.

 @9JP6YC3 from Michigan answered…4mos4MO

no that is personal and we have the right to choose our religions

 @9JQKGF6 from Arizona disagreed…4mos4MO

Not everyone will have the same belief and follow the same ways. We would have to find something that would work out for everyone without adding your own beliefs.

 @9JP8ZMB from South Carolina answered…4mos4MO

During the sixteenth century, Protestantism spread through northern Europe, and Catholic countries responded by attempting to extinguish what was seen as the Protestant menace.

 @9JP6SDRPeace and Freedom from California answered…4mos4MO

i do not think national leaders declare their relgious beliefs because they most likely will make people follow their relgion.


What does the separation of church and state mean to you in the context of your country's past?

 @9HTMK4Y from North Carolina answered…5mos5MO

The separation of church and state is a principle that suggests a clear distinction and independence between religious institutions and governmental authorities. It ensures that the government does not establish or promote any particular religion and that religious institutions do not interfere in the affairs of the state. This principle allows individuals to practice their religion freely or choose not to practice any religion without undue influence from the government.

 @9HTMB9C from Minnesota answered…5mos5MO

Keep the church far away from the state, political figures can make decisions based on their religion but not using their religion as justification for the descision.

 @9HTM9HT from North Dakota answered…5mos5MO

 @9HTLY8Bfrom Texas answered…5mos5MO

It is important because it is a huge reason we declared independence in the first place.


Do you think integrating religious values into national policy strengthens or weakens a nation's unity?

 @9H4TNWD from Utah answered…6mos6MO

Integrating religious values into a society would make a society crumble to dust. Many simply do not have the belief or want to be in a religion and enforcing a societal belief in a religion would ostracize many from that society, making them feel like lesser human beings for the simpke fact that they do not believe in a religion.

 @9H4SSN9Democratfrom Maine answered…6mos6MO

America is an incredibly diverse country that does not have a strong majority ethnic or religious group, so having a religious government would only divide us.

 @9H4TMM9 from Utah answered…6mos6MO

In every way, shape, or form, religion weakens our nation's unity. There are always several religions within a nation. All integrating religious views into national policy does is separates the country.


How would you balance your personal freedom with the cultural expectations of your community?

 @9HGTD8R from Texas answered…6mos6MO

 @9HGTNQZ from Massachusetts answered…6mos6MO

You should be able to do what you want. If you dont want to comply with expectations dont, but you need to deal with the consequences.

 @claireemilycook  from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

Personal liberty, in accordance with the founding doctrine of the US, should come first, with exceptions for public safety and health. No ties between church and state (church of any Christian denomination or religious institutions of any religion) should be fostered or tolerated.


What are the potential benefits and risks of having religious figures as political leaders?

 @9HPWP7D  from Nevada answered…5mos5MO

Risks are that they will use their religion to determine policy. I see no benefits, but as long as they don’t invoke religious policies, then there is no issue.

 @9HPWR5G from North Dakota answered…5mos5MO

Religious figures as leaders create more of a communism environment because they are used to being directed and told what is right and wrong. They can't do certain things because of their beliefs and I am personally not for that. The benefit of a religious leader is that you'd learn, understand, and get to know Christ.

 @9HPWNPS from North Dakota answered…5mos5MO


How do you feel about a state having the power to enforce participation in religious practices or observances?

 @9H85VHB from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

 @9H8PWQHRepublican from Nebraska answered…6mos6MO

I know that I would be angry if my country forced a different religion onto me especially because our country values freedom, including freedom of religion. However, my religion closely identifies with Catholicism so the religious practices would be ideal, but only for me so, I wouldn't say its fair.


I hate it I think that you should be able to believe what you believe and helped turn the right way through your own choices and others help because it wont work if its forced.


How would you feel if your country's laws and policies were heavily influenced by one specific religion?

 @9H85PXF from Texas answered…6mos6MO

It would be going against the first amendment, freedom of religion... ones religion can not be influenced to another.

 @9H858DS from California answered…6mos6MO

 @9H85P3C from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO


If a country's majority follows a certain religion, should its government reflect and enforce that religion's morals?

 @9H53D5M from New York answered…6mos6MO

No, as the First Amendment of the Constitution gives freedom of religion the entire country should not be forced to follow any religious laws regardless of the majority of the country being religious.

 @9H5LR5Jfrom Maine answered…6mos6MO

No. Having a state religion will disregard those who are not part of that religion. The state must stay secular even if the populace isnt.

 @9H5LJ5R from Missouri answered…6mos6MO


Have you ever felt a conflict between your country's values and your personal ethics?

 @9HZT6C6 from Nebraska answered…5mos5MO


How might your sense of national belonging change if your personal beliefs were at odds with the country's dominant faith?

 @9HPWHWX from Massachusetts answered…5mos5MO

 @9HPWGFC from Massachusetts answered…5mos5MO

A decline in religiosity in the US significantly decreases my sense of national belonging


What are the merits and drawbacks of having religious holidays recognized as national holidays in your experience?

 @9JDPVJFCA Common Sense from Georgia answered…4mos4MO

I fell there are holidays that should not count as a national holiday and other holidays that should become national holidays. For example, pride month is way too long and unnecessary, but veterans' day should be long than one day because it is a more meaningful holiday.

 @9JDPBYW from California answered…4mos4MO

Most of the holidays in my culture/religion are usually taken as a joke. If i'm being honest, sometimes it´s a good thing most religious holidays are recognized as a national holiday because they won´t be joked about but that's not the holidays fault, everyone should be educated on religious holidays and make it known that these are also national holidays.


How does the presence of religious symbols in public spaces make you feel included or excluded?


How does your relationship with religion shape your views on national symbols and anthems?


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