Try the political quiz

276 Replies


What emotions would you grapple with if your hometown became a symbol for international conflict?

 @9KCKLQSLibertarian from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

I would feel surprised as well as conflicted about it and probably would want to stay out of it

 @9KCHYHG from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

I would be indifferent. I don't know what that means and my home town doesn't represent me.

 @9KCJ9ZT from Texas answered…3mos3MO

More so saddened that in this example, people can be more reactive than proactive and seeing both sides of the coin to make fair judgment.

 @9KCJ74QDemocrat from Pennsylvania answered…3mos3MO

that would be a sorry sight to have your hometown, the place you grew up, being the symbol for terrorism or certain events. Like how you talk about New York, first thing that pops up is 9/11, it's sad but life is not fair. Sad either way


What kind of fears and hopes would you have if your future depended on the outcome of peace negotiations?

 @9KXVQXW from Michigan answered…2mos2MO

I would hope to reach a compromise that could be mutually beneficial to everyone. However, a compromise that does not satisfy all parties could lead to backlash, which is certainly concerning.

 @9KXVKJ8Republican from Ohio answered…2mos2MO

We should help but not spend all of aware tax dollars on them because another contery could attack..

 @9KXVGNX from New York answered…2mos2MO

 @9KXTYNY from Connecticut answered…2mos2MO

I would fear my life because of all the nukes in the world at any moment we can be struck down.


If your cultural traditions were at odds with someone else's, what steps would you take to ensure mutual respect?

 @9KC68JLConstitution from Tennessee answered…3mos3MO

Treat them like a person and listen to them instead of fighting for my beliefs.

 @9KFPWMY from Florida agreed…3mos3MO

I know what's true for me in terms of my religious beliefs and am willing to talk about it with others, but I would not force them or hate on anyone who doesn't believe what I believe. I am willing to talk to them and listen to their beliefs.

 @9KC6RQK from Utah answered…3mos3MO

We need to stay out of Arab Israili issues We cant change those countries theyve been fighting since Christ was a private all we do is give them ammunition (aid) to continue their problems Just insure that they stay in their own countries. If they want our help they need to find some way to get along.

 @9KC6KTY  from Washington answered…3mos3MO

To ensure mutual respect in case of overlap between cultural traditions it is important to be open to dialog and understanding of differences efforts to listen and respect the views of others.


What would it take for you personally to trust someone from a group your community has historically been in conflict with?

 @9K9L9WB from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

 @9K9L4DXRepublican from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

All it would take is a personal display of good faith on their part. Simply acting like a good human being as anyone else should.

 @9K9KXX9Libertarian from Washington answered…3mos3MO

it would take a lot of actions that demonstrated qualities that could be trusted.


What emotions stir within you when you think about a group of people fighting for their ancestral home?

 @9H4QJGB from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I think people should fight for the things they love. You're weak if you do not. But people should also make sure what they love is worth fighting for.

 @9H4QRGZ from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

I believe that the people of their country should fight except for people who have disabilities or diseases or if a mother needs to take care of her children.

 @9H4QWX8 from New York answered…6mos6MO

Both groups claim the same area as their homeland, it is going to be so difficult to reach an agreement with everybody. The only resolution to the problem is the compromise, but both groups seem unwilling to do so.

 @9H4QLXF from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

it the angry of people and they thoughts of how they can keep doing this without feel hurt or sad for the loss of lives there.


How can individual acts of courage within a community begin to heal the wounds of a collective past?

 @9JQ79T3 from Washington answered…4mos4MO

 @9JQ6BGN from Florida answered…4mos4MO

the creation of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza which could heal from the past

 @9JQ5C84 from Minnesota answered…4mos4MO

block the Partition Resolution and to prevent the establishment of the Jewish state. The Jews, on the other hand, hoped to gain control over the territory allotted to them under the Partition Plan.


What steps would you take to mend a rift caused by a misunderstanding among your peers?

 @9LB77CRRepublican from Wyoming answered…2mos2MO

 @9LB75VP from California answered…2mos2MO

Having a deep conservation with them about the topic to reach a common ground.

 @9LB72WW from Wyoming answered…2mos2MO


How might your view of fairness be challenged if your country's survival was at stake?

 @9H8YYMM from Delaware answered…6mos6MO


When faced with survival and death, humans will choose survival, regardless of the morals behind it. Each nation will seek to place themselves at the top of the survival chain. So whatever country I'm on, I would like to survive regardless.

 @9H8YZMW from Missouri answered…6mos6MO

 @9H8Z4FFfrom Virgin Islands answered…6mos6MO

if some group from the arab side was to start violence in america my my view would drastically change.


How would you feel if your family's historical homeland was claimed by another group?

 @9H92XY3 from California answered…6mos6MO

I would feel sad that history and culture is being erased and no one is doing anything to stop it.

 @9H92W6T from Washington answered…6mos6MO


I would be very upset because I feel like that my country doesn't serve to be destroyed.

 @9H92L8W from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

countless countries have been taken over in the past, and while it is sad, you should
always have the ability to take it back


How would you prioritize between your community's security and another's right to self-determination?

 @9HCR2H9 from Arkansas answered…6mos6MO

Security is important because it protect the people who need protection. It is also important for security so that other can just walk in an take over, there is at least a chance of fighting back.


How do personal stories of individuals affected by the Arab-Israeli conflict challenge or reinforce your existing beliefs about the region?

 @9KNGD3K from Delaware answered…3mos3MO

Personal stories add to the beliefs about the region because it allows for more information and people can create an opinion from the true stories told in front of us.

 @9KNG9QRfrom Vermont answered…3mos3MO


When sports teams from rival nations play a friendly match, how does that make you think about the possibility of peace?

 @9HG4TBF from Oklahoma answered…6mos6MO

It's possible, don't fake the smile come with honesty and pride and show respect to whomever and whenever.


What would you like to ask someone who lives at the heart of a geopolitical hotspot to better understand their daily life?


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