Try the political quiz

What is your stance on abortion?


  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas agreed…2yrs2Y

I don't care how far along the pregnancy is, or even if it was a grown adult person attached to your body, you would STILL have every right to sever that connection, even if doing so would kill the other person, because that's what it means to have bodily autonomy. Your right to your own body, and the decisions over what procedures you will or will not have, or who can or cannot use your body, is one of the single most important rights you can have.

 @8V6LBTQ from Texas commented…1yr1Y

What was your stance on bodily autonomy regarding the Covid-19 vaccine? Were you consistent?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

You mean that the government should not force you to receive vaccinations against your consent? Yes, and luckily that didn't even happen in the first place. No one was legally forced to get vaccinated, nor did the government break down anyone's door to hold them down and forcibly vaccinate them...because we still ultimately have the right to bodily autonomy (or at least we should). It is still, and should be, your right to decide whether you want to receive a medical procedure (such as abortions or gender affirming care) or not receive a medical procedure (such as vaccinations or organ donations).