Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @9H3D9DM from New York answered…7mos7MO

 @9H3B6W4 from Georgia answered…7mos7MO

It over simplifies it there is a lot more that people should know and think about when it comes to this issue.

 @9H3DM7ZWomen’s Equality from Georgia answered…7mos7MO

 @9H3BWG8 from North Carolina answered…7mos7MO

I don't really care, but I think people should stick to what they believe and that abortion should be pro-choice because it's their body and they can do whatever they want unless it has something to do with religion.

 @9H38ZT8 from Michigan answered…7mos7MO

I believe the media oversimplifies it, as most media companies push out content that will get people interested, or to change/reinforce people's opionons.

 @9H3B8T2 from Missouri answered…7mos7MO

I feel like media many a time flanderizes the issues involved. For example, a lot of conservative media acted like woman were getting abortions willy-nilly.

 @9H39X6G from Michigan answered…7mos7MO

Nom because they used more recent language like 'Hype' to try to hook people into an article about a serious topic.

 @9H39KRG from Delaware answered…7mos7MO

 @9H3FPNW from Connecticut answered…7mos7MO

People treat abortion like its nothing like the people part of the lgbtq community are people who are sick and support abortion and being trans is something that is wrong and should be illegal. And should throw away anyone who influences trans or lgbtq on little kids. And teachers who have pride flags in there classroom should get there job and degree taken away because its not good to teach kids or teenagers about sex change and lgbtq. And shouldnt influence abortions. And abortion is basically killing the babies in the womb and thats murder. They should ban abortion ban school pride walks…  Read more


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